Dental Services from Graceful Animal Hospital

Proudly service pets in Rancho Cucamonga, Alta Loma, Ontario, Chino, Chino Hills, Fontana, Rialto, Upland, Montclair, Claremont, and all surrounding areas!

Why is dental hygiene important?

While we might not prioritize our dog’s dental health as we do our own, it’s crucially important to ensure our pets health and overall well-being. Neglecting your pet’s dental hygiene can result in not only tooth loss and oral discomfort and pain, but also potentially severe health complications.

Harmful bacterial from dental plaque can enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs such as heart, liver and kidneys which can lead to permanent organ damage which could jeopardize your pet’s health.

At Graceful Animal Hospital, we are at your service to prevent and address these issues.

What do we offer?

We can help you to keep your dog’s teeth clean, and ensure that they stay that way. Just like people, dogs should have regular dental cleanings. Anesthesia will need to be used for your pet’s dental appointment, and while this always carries risks such processes are safer than ever.

Your pet will almost certainly be able to go home on the same day as their procedure, though they may be a little groggy for the remainder of the day. Once you get your dog’s teeth clean you can continue to keep up their oral healthcare by brushing their teeth, though some dogs will respond better to this than others. For animals that are resistant, there are dental treats and toys that can do the job reasonably well.

Ask us for our recommendations when you visit.